What’s included with your bunk bed, how to set it up and bunk bed safety.

Parts included: 2 poles, 1 guard rail, 1 ladder, 1 removable bunk bed

Assembly instructions: 

  1. Pull bungy straps from the bottom bracket located under the driver’s side window to release the bunk bed.
  2. With the aid of another person, one person holds the bunk bed up while the other person fits the 2 poles supplied that locates on the top side of the bunk mounts (far right and left) and the mounts on the floor. Each pole has 2 push button style clips that will require you to push the buttons in to slide the supplied poles into the mount hole.
  3. Fit supplied guard rail to bunk bed (inner top mounts closer to each other) one push style clip that locates into the mount holes.
  4. Attach supplied ladder below guard rail.

Safety Notes:

Please ensure when travelling to make sure bunk has been secured using the attached bungy cords. Children should be discouraged from playing on the bunks for their safety.


