- Remove any food items from the fridge
- Prop the fridge door open, laying a tea towel over the door opening to allow air in and the compartment to breathe
- Clean fridge and place paper towel on shelf to help absorb moisture
- Remove any perishable food items from the trailer that may attract unwanted pests/vermin when in storage
- Relax windows into storage position to take compression off window seals only if trailer is stored under cover as windows are now not watertight or dust proof
- Empty the black water at suitable dump point and grey water tank
- Carryout flush rescheme of both black and grey water tanks including flush of black water pump forward and reverse flush
- Fill recycle system tank
- Relax roof catches on pop top trailers when stored
- Plug the trailer into 240 mains power to keep batteries topped up ready for the adventure.
- Set the Battery management system (BMS) into storage mode as per the relevant brand owners guide being either Redarc or Finscan
- Please refer to General Maintenance of systems and components for helpful information regarding the cleaning of your trailer
- Leave freshwater tanks full when in storage, drain and refill with fresh before your next trip
- Tank freshener can be added to grey and recycle tanks to combat odour example’s below
- Tank Cleen is also effective for water tanks